Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Apache shared hosting

Introduction : -
Shared Hosting or Virtual Hosting refers to a hosting service where more than one web site reside on the same server , each web site has its own space.

Apache Shared Hosting can be implementing in two ways :-

1- Apache IP-based virtual Hosting : - each web site should has its own IP address or web sites can share one IP address but with different PORT number (www.site1.com:8888 , www.site2.com:8889 ... ) .

2- Apache Name-based Virtual Hosting :- more than one web site can share the same IP address , that means all web sites in the DNS point to the same IP address and the apache takes care of redirect the requester to the correct site.

Example :-
x hosting company host six web sites ( www.site1.com , www.site2.com .... www.site6.com ) on the same server and each of them belong to different person.

Implementation :-

assume we have one server running solaris 10 and we want to host two web sites on this server .

Information :-

- First web Server IP :-
- Second web Server IP :-  (you need the second IP   just if you want to implement IP-based Virtual host based on port number)
- first web site name :- site1.com
- second web site name :- site2.com

Steps :-

Note :- Clear cache storage in the web browser before test any changes .

- IP-based virtual host (case 1 :- each site has its own IP address )

make sure the apache service is running on solaris 10 , at the prompt type :-

  svcs -a | grep -i apache2  

if the apache is running you will see the following : -
 online   0:28:03 svc:/network/http:apache2   

if the status is disabled , 
 disable   0:28:03 svc:/network/http:apache2   

enable it , at the command prompt type :-
  svcadm enable apache2   

create directories that will hold site1 and site 2 files , 
cd /var/apache2/htdocs       
mkdir site1 site2         
cd site1             
echo "Site1 Page">>index.html   
cd ..                 
cd site2             
echo "Site2 Page">>index.html  

note that the "/var/apache2/htdocs is the DocumentRoot folder which holds all web sites files.

Copy the file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf by running the following command .

 cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf   

edit the httpd.conf file as the following :-  

  vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf   

Follow the link to Configure basic apache setting :- Configure Apache on Solaris

scroll down until you reach Virtual Hosts section .

add the following information :- 

  ServerName site1.com   
  ServerAdmin admin@site1.com   
  DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/site1   
  ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/site1.error.log   
  Customlog /var/apache2/logs/site1.access.log combind   
  ServerName site2.com   
  ServerAdmin admin@site2.com   
  DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/site2   
  ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/site2.error.log   
  CustomLog /var/aapche2/logs/site2.access.log   

save and close the document.

restart the apache service
  svcadm restart apache2   

now , you have completed the configuration , try to access the site1.com by its IP address by type in the web browser , if you see Site1 Page then your configuration is OK , now try to access site2.com by type in the web browser  , you have to see Site2 Page. 
if you want to access site1 and site2 by names add a recored in the DNS for site1 and site2 , if you don't have a DNS server you can do that from hosts file in the operating system as follow :-

UNIX + Linux = edit /etc/hosts file and add a record for site1 and site2 as following :-    site1.com    site2.com

Windows = edit C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file and add a record for site1 and site as following :-    site1.com    site2.com

-IP-based virtual host ( case 2 :- web sites share one IP address with different PORT )

clear all configuration in previous step .

make sure the apache service is running on solaris 10 , at the prompt type :-
  svcs -a | grep -i apache2  

if the apache is running you will see the following : -
online   0:28:03 svc:/network/http:apache2 

if the status is disabled , 
disable   0:28:03 svc:/network/http:apache2   

enable it , at the command prompt type :-
svcadm enable apache2   

create directories that will hold site1 and site 2 files .
cd /var/apache2/htdocs       
mkdir site1 site2         
cd site1             
echo "Site1 Page">>index.html   
cd ..                 
cd site2             
echo "Site2 Page">>index.html  

note that the "/var/apache2/htdocs is the DocumentRoot folder witch holds all web sites files .

Copy the file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf by running the following command .

cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf   

edit the httpd.conf file as the following :- 

  vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  

scroll down until you reach Listen Directive , add the following information :-

scroll down until you reach Virtual Host section and ad the following :- 

  ServerName site1.com   
  ServerAdmin admin@site1.com   
  DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/site1   
  ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/site1.error.log   
  Customlog /var/apache2/logs/site1.access.log combind   
  ServerName site2.com   
  ServerAdmin admin@site2.com   
  DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/site2   
  ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/site2.error.log   
  CustomLog /var/aapche2/logs/site2.access.log   

save and close the document.

restart the apache service

 svcadm restart apache2  

now , you have completed the configuration , try to access the site1.com by its IP address by type in the web browser , if you see Site1 Page then your configuration is OK .
now try to access site2.com by type in the web browser you have to see Site2 Page. 
if you want to access site1 and site2 by names add a recored in the DNS for site1 and site2 , if you don't have a DNS server you can do that from hosts file in the operating system as follow :- 

UNIX + Linux = edit /etc/hosts file and add a record for site1 and site2 as following :-    site1.com    site2.com

Windows = edit C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file and add a record for site1 and site as following :-    site1.com    site2.com

in the browser type site1.com:8081 and site2.com:8080

- Name-Based Virtual Host

clear all configuration in previous step .

make sure the apache service is running on solaris 10 , at the prompt type :-
 svcs -a | grep -i apache2   

if the apache is running you will see the following : -
  online   0:28:03 svc:/network/http:apache2   

Copy the file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf by running the following command .

 cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf   

create directories that will hold site1 and site 2 files .

cd /var/apache2/htdocs   
 mkdir site1 site2    
 cd site1    
 echo "Site1 Page">>index.html   
 cd ..   
 cd site2   
 echo "Site2 Page">>index.html 

edit the httpd.conf file as the following :- 
  vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf   

scroll down until you reach Virtual Host section and ad the following :- NameVirtualHost

  ServerName site1.com   
  ServerAdmin admin@site1.com   
  DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/site1   
  ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/site1.error.log   
  Customlog /var/apache2/logs/site1.access.log combind   
  ServerName site2.com   
  ServerAdmin admin@site2.com   
  DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/site2   
  ErrorLog /var/apache2/logs/site2.error.log   
  CustomLog /var/aapche2/logs/site2.access.log   

save and close the document.

restart the apache service 
  svcadm restart apache2   

if you want to access site1 and site2 by names add a recored in the DNS for site1 and site2 , if you don't have a DNS server you can do that from hosts file in the operating system as follow :- 

UNIX + Linux = edit /etc/hosts file and add a record for site1 and site2 as following :-    site1.com    site2.com

Windows = edit C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file and add a record for site1 and site as following :-    site1.com    site2.com
in the browser type site1.com and site2.com



Anonymous said...

Apache shared hosting provide virtual hosting to web site service and i this is very interesting post..you have described everything is very clearly..website hosting services

Unknown said...

Best info on apache shared hosting, thanks
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