Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Starting Apache on Solaris 10

Step By Step tutorial to start Apache on Solaris 10

### Notes ###
- Apache is a free web server that is distributed under an "Open Source" license.
- Apache web server is already installed on Solaris10.
- The main Configuration file for Apache is httpd.conf .
-  The httpd.conf file does not exist by default .

### Steps To Start Apache on Solaris ###

Connect To your Server .
check if the apache is already running by running the following command :-

 svcs -a | grep -i apache2  

Output :-
 disabled    Jun_18  svc:/network/http:apache2  

you can see that the apache is disabled .

Copy the file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf by running the following command .

 cp /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  

Note :- The file 'httpd.conf-example' contains an example of how to configure your apache web server .

Start the apache web server by running the following command.

 svcadm enable apache2 

check the apache server status by running the following command :-

 svcs -a | grep -i apache2  

Output :-

 online     11:37:06 svc:/network/http:apache2 

you can see that the apache status is online , and that means everything is ok at the moment.

to check your work enter the following URL in the web server browser http://localhosts/manual  , if you see the following page then your first step is correct .


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